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Home Education Day - Monday

This half term is 6 weeks long. Science is bookable as a block but Maths, Drama and Art are bookable weekly. Please note that GCSE science is half way through the biology content or the IGCSE dual award science syllabus so if you have a child that would like to join now then they will have some catching up to do. You will also need to either purchase a workbook or pay a reduced price of £10 to be provided with one (please check which one before buying).

The sessions below all run weekly on a Monday. If you haven’t been before and would like to pay for a single session of any of the lessons then please get in touch with us to arrange. Children are welcome to bring their lunch - we will keep the workshop room free over lunch time for this to help with our tidying at the end of the day. Please ensure that your children tidy up their things after their lunch. Children are welcome to stay between sessions and play in our rooms - we have a wide selection of games and toys, or of course they are welcome to bring their own activities. You are usually welcome to leave children with us during their lessons so long as you remain contactable - we will ask you to come in or to stay if your child needs you, or you are welcome to stay onsite with your child. We do ask that you are on site with your child between lessons and take responsibility for ensuring that your child gets to their lessons. We have a very busy day with lots of families taking part so the teachers and shop staff are not able to take responsibility for other children.

We are asking that you sign your children in and out of the sessions each week. We also have a guidance and expectations sheet that we will ask you and your child to agree to when you first join us.

GCSE Science 9:30 - 10:15 then 11 - 11:15

Our GCSE science course is taught by Natalie. Children will be taught for 45mins, then have 45 minutes to carry on their work while Natalie teaches the younger groups, followed by 15mins with Natalie to go over any issues that have arisen. She will be covering the IGCSE dual award science syllabus over four terms. She will also be setting and marking weekly homework - it is expected that children will need to work for an hour each week outside of lessons. There will also be extra work set for the weeks where it is a bank holiday Monday and therefore no lesson.

This term children will be learning the Biology content, during the autumn 23/24 term children will learn the chemistry and during the spring 23/24 term the Physics content. The summer 23/24 term will then be spent revising the three subjects. Due to the way the course is being taught it is suitable for children who want to complete the dual award science IGCSE or one or more separate science IGCSE subjects (although this will need further teaching for the extra content after this course has finished).

Please note - if you wish your child to sit a GCSE exam you will need to organise this yourself. For more information and for weekly updates on homework etc please join our ‘Science HE @ The Place Stamford’ facebook group.

Pre-GCSE Science - £6 per session, 10:15am - 11am

This is a 45 minute science session run by science teacher Natalie. In this group children will be covering KS3 and some KS4 science subjects with a view to preparing them to start GCSE science study from September 2024 or later. Homework will usually be set each week.

KS1/KS2 Science - £5 per session, 11:15am - 11:45am

This is a 30minute session run by science teacher Natalie. In this group children will explore a range of science topics, often using fun practical activities to encourage a love of the sciences.

Maths BYO - £3 per session, 11:15am - 12pm

This maths session is with maths teacher and enthusiast, Katie. It is a more relaxed session that you can book for the weeks you would like. Children are welcome to bring their own work, or Katie can provide some worksheets/assessments to work through. Children can work at their level with Katie on hand, explain and encourage when needed.

Art with The Place Stamford - £5 per session

A session run by our The Place Stamford staff covering different art and craft projects, mediums and techniques. There are two art sessions this half term.


This term we have three drama lessons. These will be drama and musical theatre combined. We have been rehearsing to put on a small show on 4th June and these three lessons will continue our practice. There is opportunity for new people to join still if they are willing to be thrown in the deep end and given parts to learn straight away!

Social Opportunities

Children are welcome to stay on site and play between sessions (with their parents on site). There is a gap between maths/science and drama/art where children are welcome to choose from our vast range of board games to play. We also finish by 3pm for art or 3:15pm for drama and children are welcome to stay until 4pm. We do ask that children tidy up after themselves at the end of the day and aren’t excessively noisy - we are more suited to board games and quiet chat than load running around games. We are however quite close to the Stamford meadows for those that would like to have a run around.

from £0.00
9 July

Peterborough Artist Open Studios

10 July

Nourish & Nurture, Parent & Baby Group